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                                                                  Visual illusion in normal and clinical populations


Visual illusion is one of my main areas of research interest. In the following sections, I will describe my theory of geometric-optical illusions published in 2009, and also the theory that I developed to explain the moon illusion published in 2022. In addition, I have included my methodological analysis pertaining to the investigation of the neural basis of illusion published in 2017 as well as my methodological analysis of mechanistic explanation of geometric-optical illusions in schizophrenia and autism through incorporating phenomenological methods into experimental psychopathology published in 2023.   


                                                                                 Visual illusions


Do we really see things the way they are out there? A question that has been asked for centuries by many, including philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, and others. The potential answers to this question can range from extreme forms such as questioning the existence of the "things out there," to the extent of correspondence between our perception and things, to less extreme forms in which doubt has been cast on whether we all have the same subjective experience of things as Willard V. Quine describes in Mind and verbal dispositions, the hypothetical question of whether “perhaps things we both call red look to you the way things we both call green look to me” such as in the question of: Does the color of an apple appear to me, the same as it appears to you? Although answering such questions about our potentially inverted spectrums (Figure 1) must wait until the time we know much more about the relationship between our brain functions and our conscious experience of objects, there are other areas of research that ask similar questions about the correspondence between our perception and reality whose answer is at least more imaginable considering the current status of science. Visual illusions are among examples of such category of problems, which I have been investigating by focusing on an even narrower domains such as the "Geometric-optical illusions" and the "Moon illusion".














                                                                                              Figure 1.


In the following sections, I have introduced the theory that I published in 2009 to account for the Geometric-optical illusions, the epistemological and methodological analysis of the investigation of the neural bases of such illusions that I published in 2017, and the theory that I have published in 2022 to explain the moon illusion. In the end, I have briefly described my 2023 article pertaining to the methodological considerations for studying illusory representations in the context of psychopathology.



A Theoretical contribution in 2009:


                                              The Theory of Geometric-Optical Illusion 


Visual illusions are among phenomena that are of great interests in a variety of disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, computer science etc. In 2009, I published a theory according to which the size contrast and the surrounding empty space play a principal role in determining the magnitude of geometric-optical illusions of size. According to this theory, the direction of illusion is determined by the "+" and "-" orientation signals (Figure 2) theoretically assumed as a product of the larger and smaller areas of empty space surrounding the target stimuli, respectively. Such principle of empty space helps explaining both the Müler-Lyer and Titchener illusions within the same theoretical framework, where they had been classified under two separate categories of illusions for a long time.​

Figure 2. The empty spaces surrounding the illusory configurations (and their orientations signals "+" and "-") are proposed to play unifying roles in the explanation of size and direction of illusions in both configurations. For further detail, see the following article:  


Nemati, F. (2009). Size and direction of distortion in geometric-optical illusions: Conciliation between the Müller-Lyer and Titchener configurations. Perception, 38, 1585-1600.



A Methodological contribution in 2017: 


                                        Investigation of the Neural Basis of Geometric-Optical Illusion


The long discussions over the strategies (top-down vs. bottom-up) by which one can guide the discovery of the underlying mechanisms of cognitive and perceptual phenomena encouraged me to outline an epistemological ground for one of these strategies (top-down) while admitting the importance of the other (bottom-up) in the investigation of the neural basis of geometric-optical illusions. The overall contributions in this article were:


1. Outlining an epistemological ground for top-down approach to the investigation of the neural basis of geometric-optical illusions based on the two concepts of "context sensitivity" and "many-one" pattern of realization.  


2. Explaining the relationship between a top-down approach and the objective of theoretical unification.


3. Providing a rationale for understanding the brain as a theoretical entity the same as other physical entities that need explanation.  


4. Outlining a potential unified framework for understanding the neural basis of geometric-optical illusions with drastically different geometrical features (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Different sets of neurons (the layers on the bottom) in the visual system may contribute to the formation of different illusory configurations (configuration A or B in the middle), while the same layer that performs higher level visual processing (the layer above the two configurations) may use the common features of illusory configurations to form an abstract illusory representation from such drastically different configurations.     


Nemati, F. (2017). Top-down approach to the investigation of the neural basis of geometric-optical illusions: Understanding the brain as a theoretical entity. Archives of Neuroscience, 4 (2) : e33683. doi: 10.5812/archneurosci.33683.



* For access to the above article please click here


​Theoretical Contribution in 2023                                                                                          


                                                                   A Theory of Moon Illusion


                                                      (Celestial Illusions) 


The sun, the moon and constellations in outer space are perceived to be much larger when they appear near horizon than when they are observed at zenith (Figure 1). This is not due to any change in the visual angles of such heavenly bodies as their spatial positions change. This has been attributed to the illusory representations of such bodies.

Figure 1. The picture represents a photo of the sun that I have taken from my balcony in Toronto. The illusory aspects of the photo that might be important in different theories can be examined based on the variables formulated by such theories. For instance, the interesting association of the sun with the buildings that subtend smaller visual angles compared to the visual angle subtended by the sun itself where they are grouped together at horizon and are surrounded by empty space as well as clouds with minimal geometrical shapes in the apparent vicinity of the sun are among observable features that I have formulated as part of my theory of moon illusion published in 2022. Nevertheless, there are other variables in this picture that are consistent with Rock's and Kaufman's (1962) theory of moon illusion - the distance cues embedded in the perspective  presented in this picture - which no doubt strongly suggest a role for distance cues.


Among these celestial bodies, the illusory representation of the moon (or moon illusion) has been the centre of attention in studying celestial illusions. The moon illusion refers to the significant illusory magnification of the moon size when observed near horizon compared to when it appears at or near zenith (Figure 2). 

Figure 2. Nemati's (2022) theory proposes that the retinal size of the moon near horizon associated with the objects of various retinal sizes plays a role in the illusory representation of the moon in interaction with the expanse of surrounding empty space.  


The question is “Why do we perceive the size of the moon near horizon to be larger than that at zenith if its visual angle near horizon is not wider than that when it is observed at zenith?

Figure 3. The moon near horizon looks larger than the moon when it appears at zenith. In addition, the presence of mountains below the moon near horizon subtend a larger visual angle than that subtended by the moon itself, while it also reduces the expanse of empty space below the moon. However, the presence of mountains, and its effect on the expanse of empty space surrounding the moon and as a referent for the size of the moon would be negligible when the observer looks at the moon high up at zenith.  


Over centuries, this has been a puzzling phenomenon for psychologists, philosophers, and physicists to solve. In 1943, Boring, a distinguished psychologist at Harvard, published his illuminating contribution in the American Journal of Physics, where he has argued that the larger appearance of the moon near horizon is a perceptual phenomenon. Although the variable, the angle of regard, that he introduced to address the problem of moon illusion, explains part of the variance for the illusion, the dominant theory of moon illusion today is commonly accepted to be Rock’s and Kaufman’s (1962) theory in which the main role is played by the interpretation of 3D cues, mainly the distance implied by such cues between the observer and the moon near horizon. Another major theory, was developed by Baird et al. (1990) mainly based on size contrast. 


However, despite strong arguments, which are partly supported by experimental data, formulated in the abovementioned theories, there are questions to which there has been no satisfactory answers. For instance, Boring raised interesting questions such as “Why should (size) contrast make the moon seem large rather than small (near horizon)?" (Boring 1943, page 55), and went on by questioning the role of apparent distance between the observer and the horizon moon in explaining the moon illusion since the moon at zenith in fact seems farther away than the moon near horizon (Boring 1943, page 56). To address the puzzling problem of the moon illusion as well as providing an explanation for such questions (e.g., Boring 1943; Rock’s and Kaufman 2000), I have formulated a theory of moon illusion based on the function of 2D cues instead of 3D cues. This theory that is formulated based on the principle of interaction between the size contrast and empty space surrounding the target stimulus is inspired by my theory of geometric-optical illusions published in 2009. The size contrast between the size of the retinal image of the sun (Figure 1) or the size of retinal image of the moon (Figure 2) and the size of objects such as the mountains or buildings near the horizon in interaction with the size of the empty space surrounding these objects determine the magnitude and direction of the illusory representation of such heavenly bodies. 


According to this theory, the horizon moon can be grouped with objects subtending smaller visual angles such as buildings (Figure 3) or with objects that can take geometrical (i.e., regular or irregular) shapes such as broken clouds (Figure 4) or be surrounded by overcast clouds with no geometrical shape.  

Figure 4. Most buildings grouped with the moon near horizon around a plum-line from moon to the earth subtend a smaller visual angle than that subtended by the moon itself, while the size of such objects on earth do not change the expanse of empty space surrounding the moon from the top. 

Figure 5. The horizon moon can be grouped with the clouds with geometrical shapes.



My theory of moon illusion is explained in the following article:


Nemati, F. (2022). The Role of Size Contrast and Empty Space in the Explanation of the Moon Illusion. Foundations of Science. 10.1007/s10699-022-09889-3



* To access a full view-only version of the article please click here.

A Methodological Contribution in 2023


            Mechanistic Explanation, Phenomenology and Experimental Psychopathology 


Geometric-Optical illusions (GOIs) have been used in the investigation of psychopathology, especially in schizophrenia and autism. However, researchers have been mainly focused on studying patients’ susceptibility to such visual illusions. This has hindered the formulation of mechanistic explanation for such phenomena in the context of psychopathology for which it is required to consider multiple levels of information processing. In my 2023 article on methodological analysis of investigating GOIs in the context of psychopathology, I have addressed some of the major related issues including:


  • Why has there been such a tendency to focus mainly on the investigation of susceptibility to GOIs in clinical populations instead of being more focused on the mechanistic explanation of such phenomena?                                                                

  • What are the contributions that can be made by theories of GOIs in coordination with phenomenological descriptions of GOIs to the formulation of mechanistic explanation for observers’ responses to GOIs in both normal and clinical populations?        â€‹


* For access to a full view-only version of the above article please click here       

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